The City of Carrollton to create a Traffic Sign Inventory

The City of Carrollton, Texas has contracted with Mid-West GIS to create a GIS & GPS based Traffic Sign Inventory. This will be a complete inventory of all traffic signs on City maintained roads. With a population of over 133,000 people, and over 1,100 miles of road, this project will take several months to complete. The Sign Inventory project is scheduled to start in April 2018, and be completed by the end of summer 2018.

The city of Carrollton Texas to create a Traffic Sign Inventory

Mid-West GIS Starts Phase III of a GPS Project for Portage, IN

Mid-West GIS will begin Phase III of the Storm Sewer GPS mapping project for the City of Portage, Indiana next week. This project includes Survey Grade GPS data collection as well as a detailed inventory of the attributes of the system. Invert elevations are also collected to determine flow direction used for flow analysis by the City. It is estimated approximately 6,000 points will be collected by the end of the project, with 4,200 already completed.

Mid-West GIS Starts Phase III of a GPS Project for Portage, IN



New Project: Traffic Sign Inventory for The City of Texarkana

The City of Texarkana, Texas has contracted with Mid-West GIS to create a GIS & GPS based Traffic Sign Inventory. This will be a complete inventory of all traffic signs on City maintained roads. This project also included the implementation of a  digital photo of each signs that will be used in the maintenance of the signs by City staff. The project is scheduled to start in April 2016.

New Project: Traffic Sign Inventory for The City of Texarkana

Mid-West GIS Creates Sign Inventory For The Town of South Windsor

The Town of South Windsor, Connecticut has contracted with Mid-West GIS to create a GIS & GPS based Traffic Sign Inventory. This will be a complete inventory of all traffic signs on Town maintained roads. This project also included the implementation of a  digital photo of each signs that will be used in the maintenance of the signs by Town staff. The South Windsor GIS Department will also implement an ArcGIS Online application for data remote access and data editing. The project is scheduled to start in March 2016.

For more information on Mid-West GIS Traffic Sign Inventory service please click here.

ESRI Collector application

Mid-West GIS is developing new service opportunities for our clients using the ESRI Collector application. This will enable our clients to implement maintenance work flows to manage GIS data created by Mid-West GIS. The ease of maintenance with the Collector app will allow field crews to easily create and update features in the field using mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets. Contact Mid-West GIS for more information!

ESRI Collector application

Mid-West GIS is attending the ESRI Partner Conference

Mid-West GIS is attending the ESRI Partner Conference in Palm Springs,  California this week. Our partnership with ESRI allows us to stay on top of new developments in both ESRI as well as the GIS industry. The meeting also allows us to grow and develop relationships with other business partners,  in order to continue to bring new professional services to our current and future clients.

Mid-West GIS is attending the ESRI Partner Conference

Mid-West GIS will create additional GIS & GPS data sets for Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne National Laboratory in Lemont, Illinois has just extended the contract for Mid-West GIS to create GIS & GPS data sets for both Communications and Sewer layers. The communication layers will include telephone and fiber optic layers. The sewer layers will include sanitary, storm and lab sewer layers. Data will be collected using Real Time Kinematic (RTK) GPS with sub-centimeter accuracy. For more information on this type of data collection, please visit our GPS Data Collection page, or contact us for more information.


St Louis University has contracted with Mid-West GIS for Utility Mapping & GPS Training Services

St Louis University has contracted with Mid-West GIS for Utility MappingGPS Training Services. Mid-West GIS will be tasked with setting up their GPS equipment, and training St Louis University personnel on the operation of collecting GPS data and importing this data into ArcMap. Mid-West GIS will also collect meter locations using Real Time Kinematic GPS, giving sub-centimeter accurate locations. For more information on this type of data collection please visit our GPS Data Collection page.

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St Louis University

Phase III of the Portage, Indiana Storm Sewer mapping project has been approved

Phase III of the Portage, Indiana Storm Sewer mapping project has been approved and will move forward immediately. This project entails the collection of all storm sewer features using Sub-Centimeter accurate GPS equipment, also known as Real Time Kinematic (RTK) GPS Collection. Storm sewer manholes are also opened and inspected for items such as depth and flow direction. This phase of the project will complete the entire system which will be used by the Public Works Department for daily maintenance work.

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Indiana Storm Sewer mapping project